{ For quality bloggers only!! }. Free reblogs on my weekly post. Delegate 30 HP for infinite reblogs and a daily $~0.02 upvote. Follow me to get random reblogs. -- I am NOT the YouTuber! :)
Ever passionate crypto enthusiast, who has been following the crypto space since 2019. A nature enthusiast by heart with two cats, that I showcase in Caturday posts. My cats have also been featured in my crypto articles, as narrators.
My interests and hobbies are that I love tiny houses and have built a few of them myself. I like blogging about them and hope to start a Steemit "chain" group for tiny house enthusiasts and those who just like to follow and admire such lifestyles and these tiny structures. I've added a URL to my Facebook account to follow if you want. I'm known as Tiny Quality Homes on there.
⚡[email protected] - Witness - Creator of v4v.app - Indigenous Jewish Rights Activist & resettler living in Tel Aviv. Exec Producer, No Agenda Show. Pronouns: Dr/Sir
Co-Creator of Reality | InfoSys Scientist | Cleaning Out Pandora's Box | Everything That Feels, Matters | Decentraliser | Unjected | Vegan | Related To You
Father of five, serial tech entrepreneur, highly accomplished lawyer and a passionate, persuasive public interest advocate. Suing Meta & Google for Crypto Ad Ban. Hive Witness.